Pegase, an innovative concept

An innovative mobile solution on ground and in the air

The Pegase project has for objective to design, manufacture and commercialize a new way of mobility that allows going beyond the road and airport constraints.
The vehicle was been developed in the objective to be very easy to handle, as the user could be as free as possible.The vehicle targets double air/road certifications. It is a buggy on the ground and an ULM in the air (European Ultra-light Aircraft) certification or LSA (Light Sport Aircraft), particularly as Powered Paraglider (PPG).
As an ULM, Pegase does not need runways or airfield facilities. Thus, it can take off and land on everywhere with the authorization of the owner.
This vehicle is really innovative in term of usage.
As this new vehicle can easily change of environment (air or ground), it offers to its users new solutions of abilities and a more efficient way to succeed in missions.
Its performances, double ability (air/ground), low operating cost and its easy training aspect are the main assets of the Pegase which will satisfies private, professional and military users.
  • pegase airGround Mode
    Approval referred European Heavy Quadricycles (L7 category)
    EU 4 emissions standard (EU 5 in 2020)
    Specifications Speed: 60 mph (100km/h)
    Off-road abilities
    Urban mobility
    Autonomy Range > 300mi (500km)
    Fuel consumption 5l/h
    Refueling at Gas station
    Advantages Robustness, high resistance of the cell
  • pegase airAir Mode
    Approval referred France: DGAC ULM Powered paraglider (PPG)
    US: LSA (Light Sport Aircraft)
    Specifications Air speed = 50mph (80km/h)
    Altitude: up to 10 000 ft (3000 m)
    Take off distance: 160/330ft (50-100m)
    Landing distance: 30/100ft (10-30m)
    Autonomy 2.30 / 3 hours flight
    Payload US standard: until 550lbs (250kg)
    Advantages Crossing dry or wet obstacles
    Freedom of flight, STOL aircraft (Short Take Off and Landing), this vehicle can take off and land on poorly prepared fields.
    The vehicle can approach sensitive or difficult-to-access areas by air. It can keep at the same time a high road autonomy and a rapid intervention capacity on the ground.

Multifunction vehicle

Pegase can be used in various environments and is has fast intervention capabilities. The double capacity (ground/air) allows a lot of field mission executions depending on the selected transport mode.
This vehicle can take off and land on poorly prepared fields. The vehicle can approach sensitive or difficult-to-access areas by air. It can keep at the same time a high road autonomy and a rapid intervention capacity on the ground.
Moreover, the three main functions – flight, urban mobility and off-road – answer to European standards.
Its top speed on ground is 60 mph (100km/h) and 50mph (80km/h) in the air.
Its lightness, good ground clearance, performing suspension system and limited-slip rear differential make it easier to drive on rough fields with good crossing capacity.
In flight mode, Pegase as a short take-off and landing (STOL) aircraft which gets over runways or airfield facilities and so take-off and landing on all terrain in accordance with EU aviation standard (ULM).


Fields of applications


    Express delivery, Post
    Humanitarian missions
    Monitoring and control of areas :

    Coastal zones,
    Crowd movement,
    Cattle rustling,
    Networks (rail, electricity, gas, oil…),
    National parks, reserves.


    Tourism activities :

    Offer an unforgettable experience in an outstanding site

    Directly to recreational pilot


    Civilian security
    Police forces
    Special forces – Armed forces.


130 rue de Lourmel
75015 Paris

TO DARE, it’s to think that nothing is impossible !